Is There Radon on the Cape?
YES - Radon is a naturally occurring cancer-causing radioactive gas, it is everywhere. You cannot see, smell or taste it, and the only way to know the level of radon in your home is to test. While the Cape often exhibits lower levels than other areas of the State, it is virtually in every home. What matters is the level and how much time you spend in areas that typically show elevated levels. If you have a craft area or child's playroom in the basement or maybe a spare bedroom, you likely have an increased level of exposure.
My Test Came Back With a Level Below 4.0 pCi/L, do I have to do anything?
YES - You should retest in an opposite season, and retest every 2 years. Long-term testing is another option, where a test device is placed for up to a year. While the action level to mitigate is 4.0 pCi/L, the EPA recommends that you consider fixing any home with a reading above 2.0 pCi/L. The World Health Organization and many other Nations have much lower action levels than we do in the U.S.
My House Has No Basement, Just a Crawlspace, Should I Test?
YES - The majority of homes with crawlspaces have no vapor barriers installed, often contain HVAC equipment and minimal insulation or vapor sealing. All sources that allow radon gas to enter the living space above.
If My Home Tests With a Level Above 4.0 pCi/L, Can It Be Fixed?
YES - The majority of homes can be mitigated to levels below 4.0 pCi/L, and in some cases below 2.0 pCi/L, through the use of active soil depressurization (ASD) radon mitigation systems.
Does the Radon Fan Have to Run Continuously?
YES - If the radon fan is turned off, pre-mitigation levels of radon gas will return within a few hours. Additionally, moisture in the system can enter the fan and cause pre-mature failure.
Are There Any Other Benefits From an Active Mitigation System?
YES - There have been studies that indicate ASD mitigation systems help in removing humidity from basements and also help mitigate other chemicals in the soil that can become airborne, such as lawn fertilizers, from entering the home.